• Maybe, it is time to come out of the closet and announce that I have been vaccinated and I am thrilled.

  • What is wring with us?

    What is wrong with us humans, that financial prosperity trumps the salvation of many of the species on this planet? In my opinion it all boils down to greed. The sad fact is, the habitat on which many of these species reside on or in, contain profitable resources that the money hungry corporations consume for financial gain. There is also the problem of poaching, climate change and the population explosion. This is not just happening on land but in our oceans. Over fishing is a huge problem and illegal harvesting of whales, has seen their population plummet. There are hundreds of species in the sea that  are on the brink of extinction just from over fishing.

    What can be done? In the case of many species, it is too late but I would hate for us to just give up. I think the best way to stop the harvesting of land resources, is to follow the suggestions of web page I found while doing the little bit of research that I did.

    Want Causes Extinction


    FYI: I have been a supporter of the Orangutans for many years. If you wish to help save these beautiful primates, then I suggest one these two great organizations:

  • JackFruit

    I went to Publix our local grocery store and saw this unusual piece of fruit, called Jackfruit. I looked the fruit up on my iPhone and it sounded delicious. I thought I’d give it a try, the price looked reasonable. When I put it on the scale and did some quick math, I promptly put it back, it was near $38.00, not sure any fruit is worth that price.

    The dictionary described the fruit as:

    The jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), also known as jack tree,[7] is a species of tree in the fig, mulberry, and breadfruit family (Moraceae).[8]Its origin is in the region between the Western Ghats of southern Indiaand the rainforests of Malaysia.

    Therefore, it is not a fruit after all but a species of tree. I do love fig but unfortunately is loaded with sugars.

    IMG 2861

  • I have not much to say so I will complain...

    I can remember when I couldn’t wait to get out of bed in the morning. At night time I wouldn’t want to go to bed. Lately, I wake up in the morning and I have no energy, most every day with a low grade fever. I have been having problems with my transplanted kidney and in effort to figure out why my transplanted kidney isn’t functioning properly the Dr’s noticed that my iron was crazy low. So, for the past 3 weeks I have been going to NCH Hospital in Naples to get iron infusions, I have my last infusion next week for a total of four Iron infusions. One of the symptoms of low iron is lack of energy and I was hoping that these infusions would help me get back some energy, but not so much. I have also dropped a couple/few pounds over the past couple months. I hit an all time low of 112lbs this week. I think that my be due to lack of apetite as well. My appetitie is strange, I usually don’t want to eat during the day but come 6:00PM I get hungry. I generally am in bed by 9PM, so I do not like eating at night because it raises my blood sugar and I have to guess at how much insulin I need to take while I sleep and digest my food. I usually end up waking up in a sweat with low sugar or my sugar is off the charts. I have a new Glucose meter (Dexcom 6) that is terrific, it has a transmitter on my body that checks my sugar every 5 mnutes and sends it to my iphone. Ever since I started using thIs Dexcom 6 I have been able to regulate my glucose Better than ever and highly recommend anyone with diabetes get one. That’s all my complaining for today. ;)

    I am such a happy camper!

  • Barking at the moon, in the daylight 😀

  • Marathon Memories from an old video...

    I found an old video on my computer while deleting some old files yesterday that brought back some sad and good memories. It was a short compilation of videos taking in 1993 & 1994 Taken while putting together a relay team of Cystic Fibrosis patients to run the Boston Marathon. The first 2 years I ran the first 8 miles of the marathon. After handing off the baton on marathon day in 1993, I left determined to complete the full marathon the following year. The following year in 1994, after handing the baton off, I continued running until the finish line. I completed the marathon in 3:52:??. I ran the marathon to help inspire others with Cystic Fibrosis and to spread the word of this little known deadly disease. My completing the full marathon proved that the medical community wasn’t always right and CF patients are capable to achieve things that medicine said we couldn't.

    Granted I am not norm CF patient, nor am I normal, ask anyone that knows me. I don't like being toid what I can and I can’t do. My poor parents can attest to that. I was 34, living a pretty unencumbered life with Cystic Fibrosis while watching many others in the clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston gasping for their every breathe. The average life expectancy of a CF patient at that time was under 30 and I was 34 running a marathon. I lost my elder sister of 11 months, Penny, 18 years earlier at the age of 16.

    Cystic Fibrosis is a horrid disease. Want to know more? Ask Siri or Alexa, both give you a good overview of the number one genetic killer of children. 

  • Catalina has become the most stable version of macOS since System 9 ;)

    I personally have had no crashes in weeks on my Mac Pro running macOS System10.15, Catalina. Ever since I upgraded my Mac Pro to 10.15.4 beta a few weeks back, I have experienced only one System Crash and that happened during a restart. Prior to this I was experiencing periodic crashes on a daily or weekly basis. I also run XtraFinder in the background as well, XtraFinder requires disabling SIP and hacks the Finder, providing additional features such as tabs, Enhanced Appeareance, Folders On Top, Automatically Adjust Width Of Columns, Dual Panel, Colored System Icons and many more terrific features. One would assume that running XtraFinder in the background would increase my chances of crashes. However, Catalina appears to have become the most stable macOS release that I can recall. Mind you, I do have a terrible memory. This is not a plug for XtraFinder, i just love the additional features I get when I run it.

  • Another reason why it is important to teach the arts in school.


  • Gratefulness is good stuff...

    Last week some lucky person hit the Florida lottery down the street at a 7-Eleven that I pass daily. Instead of being happy for the person that won, I got thinking how unlucky I have been and that I could never win the lottery. Of course I couldn’t win the lottery, you need to purchase lottery tickets to win the lottery. ;) Besides, have you heard what lottery money does to many people? Buckets of money gets many people into trouble, family members you haven’t seen in years all of a sudden come calling, friends think they deserve your money, Some forget how quick it goes when you spend recklessly and others get into trouble. I gave up on Getting in trouble in 1984, when I broke my crack pipe and stopped drinking & doing drugs. Yea, I am An x-druggie. Which brings me to gratefulness. Being grateful for me is one of the best attributes that I can practice. I always thought if I just had that car or this house, I would be truly happy. Real happiness only comes from being grateful, because being grateful for what you have means you don’t need anything and when you don’t need anything you are at peace. Kind of like after you finish a delicious dinner and you are satisfied and relaxed. This practicing gratefulness has really helped me become a much happier person. I still have to stop wanting things but I am doing my best to stay grateful throughout the day which isn’t easy. Stuff happens and messes with your day. A few months ago I added this "Practice Gratitude 🙏🏻” to my todo app Things, I place it at the beginning of my todo list so, so it is always my next todo and I am reminded to stay grateful every time I look at my watch. A very nice reminder.





  • Life without a dog 🐶, Isn't life at all!

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  • 🦠 Many people think success comes from their accomplishments but true success comes from the people of lives that you have touched.

  • Night time in Naples FL

  • XtraFinder is the awesome at adding some old Finder features from the grave and new features, Love it 👍🏼

    I have been running XtraFinder under the newest Catalina beta for a month now and had absolutely no problems with it at all. I went so far as to purchase XtraFinder. I love having the old tag color scheme from OS9 and it has so many other really cool features. I am super impressed. I am not affiliated with the developer and just happened upon it on MacUpdate.

    XtraFinder add tabs and extra features to Finder: - Tabs (experimental) - Dual panel, dual window - Arrange folders on top - Cut and paste - Global hotkeys. - “Copy Path”, “Show Hidden Items”, “Refresh”, “New File”, “Copy to”, “Move to”, “New Terminal Here”, “Contents”, “Select…”, … . - Light text on dark background - Colorful icons in sidebar. And more

  • Do something nice for someone today!

  • I probably enjoy TV more than most because I am lazIer than most. Even though I’ve always enjoyed a good movie or TV series before I became lazy. Anyway, I really enjoyed Girl / Haji on Netflix and highly recommend it to those who don’t mind subtitles.

  • I went to the range yesterday after not target shooting for a few months. I was pleasantly surprised that I hadn’t lost my touch. My first group at 12 yards was perfect for my shooting skills.

  • If the world was filled with a bunch of Penny's

    I lost my elder sister of 11 months in July 1976. My sister Penny was born with Cystic Fibrosis and then gone before she had a chance to experience all those things that a healthy young adult experiences. Penny loved cats, especially her tiger cat named ‘Fat Cat.’  It was hard not to like Fat Cat, she would make you laugh when she just walked by and you saw her belly dragging on the floor. Fat Cat had a huge belly. Like most cats, it enjoyed sleeping, eating and getting petted, in that order. Since Panny’s passing every time I see a tiger cat I am reminded of my sister Penny & Fat Cat. Unfortunately, for us all, Penny didn’t have 9 lives, like many cats. Penny light up any room she entered, she was a beautiful girl with a tremendous amount of compassion for a girl her age. She wanted to take care of any person or animal that was struggling. I think back and remember her personality and am reminded of what the world truly lost when she passed on July 1st 1976. If the world was filled with a bunch of Penny’s, what a different world we would live in.



    Penny Perreault: May 27, 1959 - July 1st, 1975


  • 😘 Love is getting a kiss from your dog 🎁👄😘

  • And I’m not afraid to say it!

  • I couldn’t ask for a better Christmas gift then the one I received in 1984, my wife, she is still my world.

  • Remember to do something kind for a stranger today if possible. Making this a daily habit will change your life and that i can guarantee.

  • 🎄🇨🇽🎅🏼 Happy Holidays to all. I wish everyone nothing but the best.

    I will even pray for Trump today but today only.

  • I need the Hardy boys for sure...

    All this talk about the Hardy boys and I get robbed. Upon arriving home from getting blood work 7am yesterday morning, I noticed my car had been broken into and my weapon was stolen. I drove all the way to the lab and back before even noticing the firearm was gone. I immediately checked my survelliance camera’s and saw the little brats rumuging through mIne and my wife’s automobile. We live in a gated community and the location of my home is in the back, at the end of the street with water on two sides. It takes me almost 6 minutes to get from my house to the gatehouse. I always leave my garage door open (even though it is against the rules) and rarely lock the house. I am truly astonished that these kids were able to get into the community or they quite possibly could live here. We have probbaly have less than 50 kids in a community of 1600 homes. It is also surronded by walls and is a good five miles from anything but two other communities on either side of us. I am going to have to examine my security procedures in the future. I also have two Rottweilers that must have been resting when this took place Along with their owners.

    Video of kids searching the cars: bit.ly/2S0dCht

  • 😞 I almost did it for the first time in my life…

    I have been meditating since the 80’s but I have never successfully meditated every day for a full year. This year I made it all the way to 357 days and neglected to meditate yesterday out of forgetfulness. Normally, if I forget to meditate my todo list will remind me but I didn’t even look at my todo list yesterday. It also would have been the first time in my life I would have fulfilled a New Years resolution as well. Last year I made it till Dec 12th when I had heart surgery and couldn’t complete a year. How discouraging this is. However, this isn’t a challenge, it is a lifestyle and the benefits of meditating are tremendous.

  • Hot diggity damn, Drafts has done it. I’ve been waiting for action On macOS and now I got em.

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